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Residential Lock installation throughout Los Angeles CA - Same day House Rekeys- New Door locks installed. 

Champion's Residential Locksmith and door repair ensures your peace of mind, your family's safety and the security of your personal possessions with total security of all entry points. All the locks that keep your family and home safe and secure.


Residential Locksets Supplied & Installed 

Deadbolt Locks - Lever Locks - Mortise Locks - Electronic Push Button Locks - Jimmy Proof Locks - Keyed Knob Locks - Patio Door Locks - Storm Door Locks - Window Lock -

Cabinet Locks - Mail Box Locks - Multi Point Locks - Door Chains - Peep Holes






High Architectural Locksets & Door Hardware 

 We offer a broad selection of beautiful high end architectural Locks and door

hardware to give your entryway the classic look and curb appeal.

Omnia, Emtek or Balwin locks are all the right choices.




High Security Locksets & Security  

Medeco High Security Locks are drill resistant, pick resistant and key bump resistant.

Installing Medeco locks on your doors ensures tight security for your home.

Medeco locks are available in deadbolt, Keyed Knob Lock plug, Mortise Cylinder, Rim Cylinder:


The importance of home security should never be left to chance.

Champion Residential Locksmith ensures your peace of mind.

We Install the locks that keep your

family safe and the secure. 

Champion Locksmith & Door Service provides same-day lock rekeys for all

Residential locks as well as all Commercial business security locks.

Be it a change in personnel in your business or you are a new home owner or tenant

a set of fresh new keys will give you peace of mind.

If you just took possession of a new home or business, this is the perfect time to have your locks re-keyed. 

Having your locks re-keyed ensures that there are no possibilities of re-entry from old tenants or previous owners.

If you lost your keys or feel that someone has a set of your keys, rekeying your locks is the way to go. 

All types of locks for your Home Security Supplied and Installed

Residential Locksmith Services

  • Deadbolt Locks

  • Jimmy Proof Locks

  • Mortise Locks

  • Keyed Knob Locks

  • Lever Handle Locks

  • Patio Door Locks

  • Storm Door Locks

  • Window Locks

Medeco High Security Locks
Baldwin Deadbolt Locks
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